Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Getting the Most Out of Your Victorio Foood Strainer

Food strainers are great for making your own sauces, jams, and purees. If you have a vegetable garden in your backyard or just got home from picking your favorite berries from a local family farm, there are many possibilities that can come from using a food strainer. A food strainer like the Victorio Food Strainer gives you the chance to make homemade recipes from fresh foods.

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I'm a huge pizza lover and there is nothing like homemade pizza from our very own tomato plants and herbs. As a child, my wife would go to local farms and pick tomatoes, blue berries, and strawberries. Her family canned the food and stocked up on each of those foods. As I heard about their stories and how they processed the produce, I often thought about how much of a hassle it was to get it all done. But that's the city slicker talking! Although the process was much more time consuming when canning versus simply going to the grocery store, the homemade meals are actually worth the extra effort. Regardless, the process seemed as though it could be a little faster. That's where the Victorio Food Strainer comes into play.

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Food strainers pretty much have only one purpose in life, which is to well, strain food. As easy as it sounds, you can miss out on the harvest of your labor. One of the biggest things people might not realize is that you can get more juice from the food in a few ways.

First of all, the obvious way to get juices flowing is to place the produce through the hopper and crank out the food. However, you can get the most results from the leftover skins by putting the skins back in the hopper and run them through again. You'd be surprised of how much more juice that can come out just from the leftover skins. This extra can also help push out any juice that didn't make it to the bowl the first time.

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Another great tip is to use the plunger upside down. Ideally the plunger is to be used with the thick side down into the tube, but that side of the plunger only goes so far. Instead, use the thick end as a handle. The thinner end will push the produce further and easier compared to what we now call the handle.

Once you believe all the food has been strained out take a rubber spatula and slide off any remaining juice or paste off the squirt guard. After that you are about done with getting as much juice and paste as possible. The screen and spiral will not have much juice or paste to worry about and will be discarded along with the skins.

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The beautiful thing about the Victorio Food Strainer is that it cuts out a lot of the time it would take to can or juice produce compared to the traditional way. Using the food strainer it eliminates much of the cutting, squeezing, and boiling process. Basically all you have to do is clean the produce, cut tomatoes in halves, and begin using the food strainer. The hardest part is cleaning the food strainer, and that in itself isn't too much hassle at all.

What are some your favorite things to can or juice? I'm ready for my tomatoes to ripen up so we can start making homemade pizzas and pasta sauces! Let us know in the comments of some tips you may know of.

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HealthTips said...
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